Allium Globemaster
A 1971 hybrid cross of A. christophii and A. macleanii, Globemaster transforms gardens with statuesque, aster-violet globes that grow up to 10"-wide. Each bee-loved, long-lasting globe is comprised of hundreds of tightly compacted, star-shaped florets. Rabbit-, rodent- and deer-resistant, Globemaster's huge orbs mature into dried seed pod orbs for a haunting beautiful landscape. Perched on strong stems, the flowers can withstand drenching rains and moderate wind gusts. It's fabulous planted among Baptisia.
Bulb size: 20 cm/up.
Bloom time: June.
HZ: 5-7.
Height: 24" to 36".
PRICE: $12.50 ea
NOTE: Item available for pickup between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm on Sunday October 20 (Bulb Forcing Workshop), at the home of Emily Hawkridge Kapelman, 365 Cantitoe Street, Bedford Hills, NY